
Quickloading GmbH

Rosenheimer Landstr. 1F
85653 Aying Peiß

Phone +49 (0)89 / 600 60 787

Represented by Armin van der Lelij, managing director
Registry court München HRB 168076

VAT identification number: DE261956383


We do not take over any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-datedness of the information provided. All details are subject to alteration and non-binding. They can be amended, added to or deleted.

External links:
The content of the sites we refer to is not controlled by us. The respective provider of the sites is liable for the content of the pages.

Data protection:
In the context of the use of our website, we, as a standard, record statistical data such as date, site access and IP of your internet service provider. Apart from that, we record personal data only if you provided them yourself, e.g. in connection with emails or email forms. The data will only be used for handling your requests and for contacting you as well as further consultation.

The persons mentioned by name on this website are herewith objecting to any commercial use and transfer of their data.

The texts and images on this website are subject to the copyright law and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. Any non-authorised use is subject to our prior consent in writing.